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Bible Reading Plan

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Being, Not Just Doing

Hi there,

Sorry for the misleading title in the earlier post "Being, Not Doing"... just to clarify that we need to also remember our being in God and not just doing or even doing for the sake of looking righteous. It is a fine balance to reach and I am still learning as well.

Jesus said in Matt 28:19 "therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..." and James 2:26 (NIV) also said that "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." So there is also doing part in the Christian walk.

The Christian faith is not one which focuses on just what we do but also who we are; children of God and who we are refined and transformed to be; Christ-like.

A personal lesson for me is that the starting point for me is in the "being" and loving God, and the actions will naturally follow. I remember a sermon on the 2 greatest commandments (Matt 22:34-40) and the pastor mentioned that when we love God, we will naturally fulfill the first 4 commandments and when we love our neighbours, we will naturally fulfill the other 6 commandments. It was refreshing because I have come to realise it was not an easier "standard" but it is something which starts from the inside... that as we love God and our neighbours, we will fulfill His commandements.

For me, I can tend to be focused on "doing" sometimes to help with my self-esteem. But at the end of the day, God reminds me that I am His child and that I can depend on Him and need not strive for human praise. But what matters most is how I am walking with Him, growing in Him and receiving others into His Kingdom. Well, it's a fine balance and I am learning. I have to always keep myself in check to see if I am indeed focusing on doing, for the wrong reasons.

So, yes, the title should read "Being, not Just Doing" and I have amended it. Forgive me for the mistake and may God continue to watch over you and help you walk stronger and stronger in faith.

Being, Not Just Doing

I have been reflecting...

The Christian faith is not so much about doing but it's also about being: being redeemed by God from the enemy, being restored by God, spiritually, emotionally, physically, as He wills, being a child of God, being holy and righteous in our walk, being one who seeks and loves the Lord, being still and know that he is God, being a loving neighbour who is there to bless others as God blessed you, being a vessel through which God's light to the world can shine.

John 1:12-13 (NIV)
12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

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