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Bible Reading Plan

Friday, 13 November 2009

Being, Not Just Doing

I have been reflecting...

The Christian faith is not so much about doing but it's also about being: being redeemed by God from the enemy, being restored by God, spiritually, emotionally, physically, as He wills, being a child of God, being holy and righteous in our walk, being one who seeks and loves the Lord, being still and know that he is God, being a loving neighbour who is there to bless others as God blessed you, being a vessel through which God's light to the world can shine.

John 1:12-13 (NIV)
12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.


Ray said...

"being holy and righteous in our walk, being one who seeks and loves the Lord, ..., being a loving neighbour who is there to bless others as God blessed you, being a vessel through which God's light to the world can shine."

All the above actually involves doing something don't you think? Being Holy = You need to do something to BE holy.

To love your neighbour is not just talk, u need to DO something too to love them.

Conclusion: Being or Do, its all a matter of semantics really.

Ray said...

Unless of course you're talking about doing in order to prove something. Then that's a different story. Do not fast by announcing to the world. Christian walk definitely involves DOing. Jesus said "Go! and make disciples of all nations" That is already doing. But we are not to DO things for show-off purposes.

me said...

Hi Ray,

Yup, agree... Being a Christian still has the doing part, just as you have mentioned, Jesus said "Go! and make disciples of all nations". That is a clear call to action.

James (not me :D) has also said in James 2:26 (NIV) that "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."

So there is also doing part in the Christian walk.

A personal lesson for me is that the starting point for me is in "being" and loving God and then the actions will naturally follow.

But I do always also try to keep myself in check if I am indeed focusing on doing, for the wrong reasons. We have to guard against self-proclamation of righteousness to look good, just as Pharisees in the days of Jesus, did.

So, yes, the title should read "Being, not Just Doing" and I have amended it. Sorry for the misleading title.

Thanks for the note :D