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Bible Reading Plan

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Lessons from Naomi & Ruth

It's funny how I am ministered to by the book of Ruth again this morning at department devotion (see Our Daily Bread article below). But then again, the word of God does have power to speak to us and minister to us. And I continue to thank God for each and every one of my colleagues and the opportunity to come together week after week, even if it is for a few minutes, to share time together in devotion and coming before God to be ministered to and to minister. I am always ministered to by the sharing as it shows how real God is in each and everyone of our lives. I always believe that where God is, lives are touched and changed.

The Book of Ruth & Ministry
Earlier, I shared how the book of Ruth has a part to play in my ministry, when God spoke to me in church during the Peter Tsukahira seminar, moments before I communicated my decision to step down from ministry to our AO. God stirred my heart and assured me how He will never leave me and asked if I would leave His calling for me. As I look back, I can say that it hasn't been easy but then I can feel God walking with me every step of the way and it is really wonderful seeing Him so real in every aspect of my life, not just in ministry.

The Book of Ruth Speaks Again
Today, the book of Ruth spoke to me yet again, more than 1.5 years later; kind of like a reminder.

Lesson #1 - It showed me how despite the bitterness and how Naomi had cried out in her human spirit about the bitterness, she has never forsaken God. Similarly, sometimes in the midst of difficulty, it may be difficult seeing and understanding from God's perspective of things e.g. death of someone close, loss of things we hold dear to, difficulty, brokenness etc but we can know "that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). We cannot explain trials because God can do so many things through it... it can be that God is refining us, it can be that God has other plans in place, it can be that we are receiving attack from the enemy and/or it can just be us paying the consequences of our sin, but we know that God is always there and will never forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). God has given us Immanuel (God with us) (Matthew 1:23) that we may have life and have it in abundance as we draw near to Him (John 10:10). A reminder how God has used the book of Ruth to minister to me about ministry and His calling. But I am glad to have stayed on in His calling and seeing that He has not forsaken me.

Lesson #2 and #3 - The other thing I have learned is how God is always in control. We see how Naomi, though having not done anything of epic proportions, has been used by God and became a spiritual impact for Ruth (Ruth subsequently became part of the genealogy of Christ, see Matthew 1). That is God's big picture of things. Recently, a friend and I was able to see how God was in control every step of the way despite difficult circumstances. I had prayed for wisdom to help in the situation and was amazed how things fell into place and how God had used me and led me through with words and verses. God is always in control and He will make a way. But even more than that, it also shows how in obedience, we also become a spiritual impact for others, no matter in big or small ways, God can work through us, as He works through Naomi and Ruth, despite Ruth being a Moabitess and not an Israelite.

Our Daily Bread
February 24, 2009
Managing The Mess
READ: Ruth 1:15-22
Why do you call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me? —Ruth 1:21

When we meet Naomi in the Scriptures, her life is a mess. She and her husband had gone to Moab searching for food during a famine. While in that land, their two sons married Moabite women, and life was good—until her husband and sons died and she was stuck, widowed in a foreign land.

Though honest about her pain, Naomi obviously had a sense of who was in control: “The Lord has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me” (Ruth 1:21).

The Hebrew word for “Almighty” (Shaddai) indicates God’s sufficiency for any situation. The word “Lord” (Yahweh) refers to His faithfulness as the loving covenant-keeping God. I love how Naomi put these two names together. In the midst of her complaint, she never lost sight of the fact that her God was a capable and faithful God. And, sure enough, He proved His capability to deliver her and His faithfulness to care for her to the very end.

If there seems to be no way out of your despair, remember that Naomi’s God is your God as well. And He specializes in managing our messes to good and glorious outcomes. Thankfully, He is both capable and faithful. So, when your life is a mess, remember who your God is! — Joe Stowell

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last. —von Schlegel

Stand back and watch the Lord manage your mess into a glorious outcome.
Related Post: CG Discussion: Lessons from Naomi

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