Throughout the last few months, I have grown weary with all that happened in my life, which turned my life topsy turvy; having to manage quite a great deal including illness, loss of direction, death, disappointment, grief etc.
And despite God speaking very clearly in the past few weeks through sermon, chapel, department devotions, "Roadmap to Maturity" course and quiet time, asking me to take up my cross, I wrestled with God and wanted to run away, just as Jonah did. "I am just too tired Lord and it's just not worth it".
But this this Good Friday, God has helped me to come to realize the full extent of His love for us, which demanded from me a response. I have come to realize that in the last hours of Jesus' life, it came to be an intense demonstration of the full extent of His love (John 13:1b, NIV84).
In the verse following John 13:1, we see the disciple John providing the only account, among the gospels, of the Lord Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. More than just a simple act, it was an act with profound significance. As one commentary puts it: "it was an act of Jesus' love that would stoop to even the most menial service. It was a spiritual cleansing. And it was an example of how Christians should treat each other. In these ways, the washing of the disciples' feet prefigured the Crucifixion" (Asbury Bible Commentary).
Starting with feet washing, Jesus here showed the full extent of His love for us every step of the way, from the last supper, struggling at the Garden of Gethsemane where He had to face the reality that He would have to go through the pain of crucifixion soon, all the way to the cross. All these because Jesus wants to cleanse us.
Do you now understand the full extent of His love for you? And what would your response be to His love for you?
Came across this beautiful song "I Then Shall Live" which I hope will minister to you, in the way we should live our lives as a response to the Lord Jesus Christ's work on the cross for us.
Once again, we are reminded that we have been cleansed by Jesus. Now, live your life as cleansed...