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For ONELife 3 to continue to grow in love for God and His people...

Bible Reading Plan

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Hi everyone, in my recent QT, God has been showing me much about devotion and worship. As I pondered on it and after our cell discussion last week, found this video quite nicely helped me to understand about it. So simple but yet, sometimes I can miss it:

Be blessed! :D

Saturday, 2 July 2011

We Are All in the Same Boat

Hi everyone, someone shared this devotion during chapel and thought of sharing it. Rather meaningful. Especially how we are all on the same boat and travelling towards the direction where God wants us to go...

Precursor to a Miracle

Hi everyone, as we talked about miracles the last week, one important character that we see in Jesus is that of obedience and faith, even as He broke the bread to serve the five thousand (Mark 6: 30-44).

Precursor to a Miracle from The Ark Church on Vimeo.