We finished the 21 days of prayers on 21 March. So many things I have heard from the Lord during this period even up till now, I felt God is still in the midst of giving me revelation and understanding about issues in my life and directions. I am really thankful for this journey, how God had breakthrough in my life. I am really amazed by God's work in my life, his grace and courage uplifting my spirit. I just wanna to share the areas God had moved my heart in this period(actually the 21 days of prayer is just the beginning of the breakthrough I am beginning to see in my life):
The assurance of God's peace and strength to close the last chapter of an important relationship in my life even in the midst of deep emotions within my heart. In fact it is a very painful process I undergo as I choose to end this chapter of my life under such circumstances especially for me as a person with such strong cravings for family. But I have come to a point when I realized ending this chapter is very important for me, I felt peace even though emotionally it may not have been easy. God tells me it is the time to let go and move on from this painful past. I felt the peace to let go of this past pain and guilt I have been going through in these past 3 years. God still has his assurance and promise for me. What has happened in the past is only the work of the flesh. But something greater will happen. I will witness God's powerful work of the spirit in my life, something that I have never experienced before in my life where I will experience unprecedented faith and fruitfulness in the Lord. Lord open up my heart to see greater things in my life. I choose to seek your face and obey you completely in my life. I choose to have undivided devotion and love for you. Only you shall my heart long after deeply.
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to weep and a time to laugh,.....
a time to mourn and a time to dance,.....
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,.....
He has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecclesiastes 3)
I also decided to go for H&W after the cell prayer session at my house on 07 Mar.
God had prepared my heart to go for the H&W now. Nothing better than God's good timing now. In fact after I send in my H&W forms, I began to feel something different in my spirit. I felt a sense of peace in my heart. That God is so good to me that he is about to start a new work in my life. It seems like I am beginning to hear from God again. Behold I am hearing from God, nothing can block the connection as I choose to yield to him and lay hold of my past, my pains and sins before him. My past and sins had no hold on me anymore. Within 2 weeks I submitted the form, I heard from church on the H&W session they had arranged for me. I managed to know who my counsellor is, I thought her name is very familiar but I had no recollections who she is. Actually I saw her on the day I submitted the form which is also one of the prayer meeting I came for. Then I saw my counsellor on few days ago at the church Intercessors prayer meeting. I didnt know she is the one. I went for prayer for my family situations and struggles. She is the one who prayed for me. At that time, when she prayed for me, I suddenly felt she could be my counsellor (the name and person kinda matched). It is also amazing she is the one who prayed for me. It is confirmed when Pastor called her name later. I am thankful God kinda prepared my heart to meet my counsellor first before I formally meet her in the H&W session.
I remember on 7 March, I saw the advertisement at Pasir Ris Mrt Station with this renown quote: Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising up whenever we fall. What a rhema word for me from God! I felt God is telling me to rise up where I have fallen in the area of relationship. God is ready to redeem me and the painful past I went through. Who is the one who restore? Who is the one who give us strength to rise up from where we have fallen? Is not it God? God is willing to to restore us back to where we had been. But are we willing to take that step of faith with the Lord? Are we willing to trust the Lord? Just that leap of faith?
I felt the assurance of God's promises and provision in my life. Something different has happened now. I have chosen to lay hold of God in my life. I will trust him wholeheartedly (not just my mind alone but my heart totally) with unwavering faith, God shall be the desires of my heart. I will cry out to God and he will hear me and answer me. God will prove that he is so faithful to deliver his promises. God will never shortchange us if we commit in our heart to trust him. God will be my deliverer forever!
From my readings from Breakthrough Prayers, the painful past and story of a young lady touches my heart deeply. I see how God is so gracious to a broken young women from Haiti. God's power and love can heal us in places only he can touch. God wanna me to know that his answers are always worth waiting for. I need to keep holding onto the Lord today no matter how I feel, no matter how bad things get.
I am also assured so much by God's love and forgiveness in the 21 days of prayers, I received these verses and stories released to my heart:
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you! (Isaiah 49:15) God has not forgotten me!
Luke 7:36-50 (The sinful woman actually adores Jesus so much that she is willing to give all of her to Jesus, far beyond his disciples and other people do for Jesus. I recognize this require faith, and she knows Jesus right in her heart)
John 4&8: Referring to reaction of Jesus when he saw them, Jesus loves them.
"You shall no longer be called the abandoned. You shall be called beloved. This is a special word that Pastor Betty released on 03 Mar during the prayer meeting, also my actual birthday. Thanks God for giving me this special day when I can choose to consecrate my life once again to God. In fact I feel in my spirit that the breakthrough had progressive started since from onset of 21 days of prayers as we prepared our hearts and being to pray.
Indeed I am really thankful for this 21 days of prayers, I felt a transformation in my life that words may not be able to fully express it. Not only it had empowered me to heighten my faith and trust in the Lord. In the midst of uncertainty about life and things around me, I felt the constant assurance & reassurance of God's peace in my life. I realized such a deep longing for the Lord within me. Therefore I am determined to walk right with God daily, nothing is better than living a life of obedience and abiding in him wholeheartedly in which ever area of life.